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Hearts in the Ice Necklace

Hilde and Sunniva from Hearts in the ice successfully overwintered in Bamsebu, Svalbard - the first women in history to do this without men!


We are so proud of what these two women have accomplished, and how they continue to inspire and spread awareness of climate change to people across the globe.


Last September, we joined them on their send-off voyage to Bamsebu and were blessed to meet several of their other supporters. Read on to hear what some of the lovely women on board the ship think of the project and why they want to support Hilde and Sunniva by wearing the "Hearts in the Ice" pendant. 

Why we wear the Hearts In The Ice necklace


Første gangen jeg så Hearts In The Ice smykket tenkte jeg ”Gud for et fantastisk smykke!".

Jeg går med det fordi jeg vil være med å støtte Hearts In The Ice prosjektet og det var så flott at ungene mine også måtte få et.

Det Hilde og Sunniva gjør er helt utrolig. Fokus på naturvern er så viktig. Ingen kan gjøre alt men alle kan gjøre noe.

- Marit Sørby


Det er jo mye følelser knyttet til smykket, og det blir et minne. Jeg går vanligvis ikke med smykker men Hearts In The Ice smykket gir jo inspirasjon. Det Hilde og Sunniva prøver er jo å inspirere folk og spre budskapet.

- Henriette Sørby


I wear the necklace for so many reasons. Sunniva and Hilde are some of the craziest and bravest gal’s I know. They have done everything to inspire people to be more conscious about what is happening to our environment.


To me, the hearts in the ice symbolizes the love of our oceans and our planet and the passion these women have to try and bring awareness. I want to wear the necklace to remember them and I want to have people ask me about it so I can help raise awareness as well. 

- Kathleen Urdahl


The Hearts In The Ice project is very inspirational on so many levels. I will be able to look at this pendant every day and remember how much passion it took for Hilde and Sunniva to get to this point.

It was a huge undertaking and many people had to be convinced that it was a worthwhile project. And so to me the heart in the pendant represents your passion. They are two very brave women, and it often takes a leap of faith to do something that is this difficult and risky. They are amazing women, and I hope the pendant can inspire me to be a better person as well.

- Florence Tetrault


I wear this pendant as a way of supporting Sunniva and Hilde. I am amazed and impressed and inspired by these two women who set their minds to do something and accomplish this amazing feat. They are bringing together so many wonderful people of different nationalities and from different industries and professions all with a common interest in making a difference and doing something positive for the environment.

- Kathryn Spelman


I wear the Hearts in the Ice necklace in honor of two very brave women who care a lot about the environment, as well as I. We need to recognize what’s happening to our environment. These two women have done something that I’m pretty sure 99% of the world wouldn’t do.


It means a lot to me that they are doing this project for the environment. Its inspiring and I want to do more myself. When I get back home, we’re going to start organizing plastic cleanups so that’s my goal. That’s what I want to do.

- Shena Hinks


Jeg går med dette smykket fordi jeg har fått det av min søster, Hilde. Det er et smykke jeg kommer til å gå med mens hun er borte, og som får meg til å tenke på hun og gode minner.

- Nina Fålun


Jeg kjøpte dette smykket fordi jeg kjente Hilde fra før av og vet at hun er veldig glad I Hjertet I isen og så ville jeg støtte dette flotte prosjektet. Jeg beudrer bade Sunniva og Hilde; to tøffe damer som gjør dette for en god sak.

- Else Kristine Tjessem


I wear the Hearts In The Ice pendant because it’s a small piece of what Hilde, Sunniva, and Ettra (the dog that joined the adventure) are sacrificing to show us the way; what we need to do and what we need to change. I love them!

- Keitha Spinks


I am Sunniva’s sister and now my heart will be in the ice for 9 months while I wait for her to come back. Hearts In The Ice is an extremely important project for everyone and we all have to do our thing. So I’m going back to the US to do my part and wait for her to come back.

- Bettina Breckenfeld (Right)


Hearts in the Ice is one of the most extraordinary, beautiful, intelligent projects that I’ve ever heard of. It’s like a big flower bud that has been waiting to blossom and now here we are, its finally opened up. It’s human beings caring enough about what happens around the planet. The fact that Hilde and Sunniva will be on the land collecting the data and saving the land I love is so important and I feel so honored to be a part of this.

Hearts in the ice is exactly what we need to help start turning things around and get humans and the planet back into some kind of alignment. I wear the Hearts In The Ice necklace to remember this and to spread the word to everybody else.

- Marti Spiegelman (Left)

Your purchase of a unique, handmade "Hearts In The Ice" pendant shows your support and alignment for the pressing issue of Climate Change. 

Click for more details about the Hearts In The Ice project.

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